California Beetle Project > Species Pages > Cryptocephalus castaneus
Classification Scientific name: Cryptocephalus castaneus Leconte Common name: Leaf beetle Order Coleoptera Superfamily Chrysomeloidea Family Chrysomelidae Images (click to enlarge)
  What it looks like: 3.9-5.3 mm in length. Its pronotum is creamy yellow to light orange with four broad, longitudinal, dark orange stripes. The elytra (wing covers) are creamy yellow with dark orange markings. Its legs are also dark orange with whitish hairs; mostly on the underside of the tarsi. Where you'll find it: This beetle can be found in much of the southwestern U.S. including Santa Barbara County, CA. Natural History: These leaf beetles live and feed on holly, wild licorice, alfalfa, walnut, blackberries and willow. This page was written by Vanessa Gamero, a 2005 participant in the Quasars to Sea Stars teen program.